P.S. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities....
..... In the expert's mind there are few.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

April 17th's excitement

I walked all over SOho and LES yesterday. The weather was just that beautiful. Here's a picture recap of my fabulous day

This guy dressed in a full cheetah print spandex body suit and proceeded to put on one of the best public shows ever right in the middle of Union Square. He jumped over 6.5 girls (the ".5" was a little 5 year old) I was girl #3
Thats my friend CHristina. She was girl #2

Thats girls 4 and 5

These guys were playing chess and talking soooo much shit. it was hilarious. That's "tuna fish" on the right... Don't u dare call him "Fish".. its "TUNA fish"
There's Christina about to get hustled by the shoeless chess man.
Some guy hanging out in a window on Broadway

Me smiling like an out of control 5 year old

The was a ballerino having his own private photoshoot in front of me while I snacked on strawberries... yes, i just said "ballerino". so what?

really hot guy. pose ain't bad either

the end of the day. The view from Stuy Town on east 14th st.

No day's complete without a minor lil' chocolate binge

After this I was dragged, under protest, to a rooftop party where I had LOTS of fun but took no pics :(

Friday, April 17, 2009

I heart..........

These are the things I (heart) today.........

Katerina Graham

Agent Provocateur: Witches Collection: Iona
I usually don't like animal print but I love this. Especially the high neck.
Love her big hair and her style
Anything and everything Sienna Miller wears
Public Royalty. Kinda getting back into sneaks since I have to do so much walking lately.

I'm tired. So that's all today. No clever anecdotes.
oh!.. except... I hate when men stare in your face on the subway. It's not disarming, sir. It's creepy and annoying and upsetting. So idiot men of New York, PLEASE STOP!... just had to get that off my chest... now back to phase 2 :)

love, me.... Free

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Die

One last thing before I go into phase 2 of my sleep (yes, I sleep in phases).

..... I absolutely heart these

I recommended that my big bro get these rings. cuz he's a huge engineering geek and these rings are sooooo geeky and chic... I mean the periodic table reference??... hilarious

These gloves are by LaCrasia and I absolutley adore them. As Rachel Zoe would say: "I die... I die... don't u just die?!"... yes, rachel. I DIE!

"F*ck Martha Stewart!" ... note: martha dont take offense it's just a Fight Club quote....

The first rule of Fight CLub is you're not supposed to talk about it. So I'll just show pics from my Fight Club Digital Image board. It's entitled "F*ck Martha Stewart" inspired by the Tyler Durden quote "Fuck Martha Stewart. Martha's polishing the brass on the titanic. It's all going down man, so, fuck off with you're sofa units, and string green stripe patterns. I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve, let the chips fall where they may." preach!... (sure do love my designer purses tho, not to mention my sofa unit.... ssshhh dont tell tyler)

Love the bunny slippers

from Rag and Bone

From Isabel Marant

From Diesel

from Rag and Bone

From Top Shop
From Rock and Republic

From Top Shop

love, meeeeee

I'm here!

Never been one to Blog. Too lazy... but everybody tells me I should soooooooooo.. I AM!