P.S. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities....
..... In the expert's mind there are few.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My inner "CHO"

My latest obsession is Greek yogurt. Its so high in protein! So filling! My brand of choice is Chobani. I know ramblings about high protein yogurt doesn't make me the most exciting blogger in the world but I cant help it. I'm obsessed. It's even better with some granola.... i like to live on the Edge.


Friday, September 11, 2009


I've never been a fan of blogs being used as online journals but I'll allow myself to be semi-guilty of it just this once...

My obsession today: GREATNESS!!!

Greatness, not through fame or fortune (though that WOULD be... well.. great!... the fortune.. not the fame *gag*) but through genius and self-fulfillment (and to me realization of genius would be the most fulfilling thing EVER). To burst through the social filters that I've allowed to censor me... THAT IS FULFILLMENT. To be truly, TRUUUUULY just ME.. Is fullfillment. You guys are yet to see what it truly means to be me.. the thoughts that run through my head. get ready.

In an email written to me about 20 minutes ago, a friend conveyed to me her disappointment in our professional efforts thus far since graduating college and called for us to be more proactive in deciding our fate. Almost as if she was reading my mind! I take it as a sign. .. the synchronization of thought. there's something in the air. Maybe its the unity that comes from being a New Yorker on 9/11 or maybe its something else.

My response to her went as follows:
"That's exactly what I'm sitting here writing about. I need to journal more cuz otherwise I get mentally constipated (teehee.. constipated) and don't do shit. We certainly need to do something.
I need to stop watching TV. It pollutes my thought process.

We're geniuses and we're not realizing our potential. Really. While idiots and trust fund babies make millions.... We're sitting around storing our ideas. We can be great. we can be more than great. We can DEFINE "great". I'm behind u.... beside u, in front on u, facing u. Wherever u need me to be!... 100%. :)"

Yesterday I met an eccentric old thrift store owner. He asked me to write down my name and my mothers name on a piece of paper so that he could take it to his rabbi's grave and pray for the cleansing of our souls at midnight. He told me that during the month of September God comes down and I will be able to feel him all around me. Oddly enough I felt connected to this man and I believed him. (He's actually the first person who has ever convincingly spoken to me about God... just fyi)

I feel clarity coming on. Its not here yet. But its on the red-eye and its circling overhead.